Business WordPress Package Monthly

Original price was: $ 38,00.Current price is: $ 19,00. / month


  • Domain + Hosting

A fast domain with a name of your choice up to $12 along with the hosting.

  • SSL Certificate

To help you transfer your data securely and safely.

  • Cloudflare

Best hosting service to guarantee you high loading-up speed and protect your domain.

  • WordPress Dashboard

To help you manage your website with ease and apply all the edits you need without hiring someone for the job.

  • Allow to Manage/Edit

The ability to add/update/delete every section of your site.

  • Defining Your Corporate

Define your company in a proper way including your mission and vision along with linking your social media accounts to your website in a distinctive and elegant way.

  • Gallery Album

A set of pictures for your news/posts/portfolio wrapped in a design that suits your website.

  • Contact Us Form

To help you to gather all the different info you need from your clients.

  • Bilingual

Two languages included to help you reach more audience.

  • Professional Design

Variety of different designs to choose from.

  • E-commerce

A fully functional commerce system to help you sell products/services and integrate your different payment methods along with a coupons system to make great offers and set your online store.

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